Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday 3.29.13

I went to the mall today to check out what actually came out for the new floor set from last night.  Bath and Body Works seems to be a bit disarrayed when it comes to scheduling anymore.  I mean they have these days that are suppose to be new releases set into stone and suddenly you check online and wammo, there they are....a new item weeks in advance.

My store in town said they had some items in and would be resetting it Thursday night and here in this mall I was told first, nope they are just moving things around.....and later when I was venting on a FB page, I got a FB message from a friend/sa who said they were told to add things and the girl I spoke with didn't know.

Too confusing.

Upon entering this store the only thing I see different is the Beautiful Day is now front and center.  And tucked in the back on the left hand side by the Fresh Picked was a tall rack with a few new Italian line candles, a few hand soaps and a few pocketbacs.  That was the extent of new.

Lip glosses were being offered for $5.00 today as well as the TMC (deal of the day) for $5.00.

I loaded up on the previews, grabbed some soaps and new hand sanitizer in the pump bottles and a few things for my freebies and that was it.

Normally I don't buy a bunch of the previews, but I read where everyone else does and since I do like these scents....why not.

Yesterday the travel items were 3 for $6.00 making each one two dollars so I bought a bunch of the sprays here in town with the plans on exchanging them when the Italian line comes out.  They pulled all of the beautiful day travels and put them in the back claiming they are not part of the sale.  Not true.  The sa vampire there needs a huge attitude adjustment and I am ready to be her teacher very soon.  They think because I shop there often and they know me by my name they can dump on me....they have another think coming. Her insisting on my putting my purchases on the counter instead of a bad was getting on my nerves and my refusal apparently got on her. The manager is off again on medical leave and even when she is there this behavior is happens.  And the co manager has no problem with showing me discomfort when I do a return or an exchange.  So not professional.

It will be interesting to see just when the new Italian body car launches.  It was originally scheduled for Aprill 22nd, but with Beautiful Day being moved up and the previews and some products out in the stores I am guessing we will see it within the next few weeks. 

3.28.13  3/$6.00 mist sale photo italiansprays.jpg

3.29.13 italian line starts coming out photo italiansoaps.jpg

3.29.13 lot.  (15 minis and paris bubble bath out of pic photo DSCF0852.jpg

3.29.13 vineyard sanitizer photo vineyardsanit.jpg