Monday, November 4, 2013

Bath and Body Works Holiday II launch and other new!

November 4, 2013
There is just something about 27 degree sunshine and decorating for the holidays outside that makes your heart smile.
I am blessed.
I spent a bit of time outdoors this morning getting some holiday things hung while waiting for my husband to get home to take me to the mall for B&BW Holiday II launch day and then over to my aunts house to help her get her Holiday boxes from the rafters in her garage.
All I can say regarding that is I told her to get some smaller plastic totes as both of us are getting too old for those monsters.  Where she found plastic storage totes big enough to stick a body in, haha, no I am serious they are huge.... I have no idea...but she has definitely got to get some smaller ones for next year. { I still wonder how she got them up there in the garage rafters }  But those are her treasures and she goes all out at 78 years young, that her home is one of the most beautifully decorated tastefully and most recognized in her town.
So with that visit over, I was ready to see what was new, if anything at B&;BW.  I did notice a lot of items I got from other stores were not out in this store. No snowmen ceramics at all except for the large luminary and the pedestal little guy.
 I also asked the manager about the Deal of the Day lip glosses special and she said..."not in my store". She had one of her sales associates bring up their email and said it didn't pertain to her district. So I passed.  Some store let customers buy the new holiday traditions travel sized items for the last DOD, while others refused saying they were not allowed out yet. And the next day they were priced at 3/$12.00.  Not cool.
  That's the one thing that bothers me about this company.  There is no consistency from store to store.  With some things, they will sell it to you whether it is out or not...and others they follow the rule book.
So today the candles for Holiday Traditions were out as well as the It happened one night Line and all were on sale for buy 2 for $22.00. 
I did grab three: 2 chocolate mint and 1 cinnamon frosting. 
I also grabbed a wallflower ornament in silver with a teal colored bow, one pedestal snowman,  three foamy anti bacs in iced gingerbread, vanilla bean noel and twisted peppermint, ten more pocketbacs for gifts, a new fox pocketbac holder, a silver snowflake oil burner, and three large pump antibacs.  The snowflake oil burner, the  pedestal snowman and the ornament wallflower were all free, plus I used a ten off of thirty coupon for the candles.
$8.50 Wallflower ornament
matching snowflake soap holder $5.50
snowman soap holder $7.50
Holiday Traditions soap sleeve $7.50
$5.00 each
$5.00 each



 Bath tub $39.50

 Forever Midnight for women launch
$14.00 and $20.00