Saturday, November 23, 2013

My Buy 2 get 2 free day Haul ~ Bath and Body Works Style~

November 23rd 2013

I was surprised to see that my mornings email differed from some of those posted on other pages but I was glad for this sale.  I was anxiously awaiting it hoping that there would be more new Holiday out in stores, but my store doesn't seem to be the one getting the bubble bath or room sprays, yet.  So after I dropped of three large shopper bags full of gifts there teasing the lead that I had a few returns...I started thinking about what I may need for other gifts as this is a perfect opportunity. 
What I found in store were a lot of confused shoppers who didn't know how awesome the sale could be.  Every time I walked past the register I heard the SA trying to explain to customers that they can go back and get two more items for free...and some even said no.

Using the buy 2 get 2 sale and my mystery discount my items priced this way:
I got only four candles and each came out to $6.00 per candle
The four glittery bags were priced at $2.85 each
the pocket bacs were priced at 52/53 cents each
and the pocketbac holders were $2.25 each and finally the wallflowers were priced at $2.55.
These are the sales Dreams and great gift giving are made of !