Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Day and shopping in my Santa Claus jammies

November 28., 2013
I was up late again last night so this morning I slept in a bit....7am to be exact.  I could hear the rustling of pots and pans coming from my kitchen and the beginning scent of something in the oven.  My husband has been the chief cook of the holiday ham and turkey from day one of our marriage and with there never being a ruined meal, why mess with perfection. I am his assistant and in charge of everything else including clean up and that works for me. I got myself up and going and tossed in a few loads of laundry before heading out to shovel last nights blustery snow.  It wasn't a lot of snow, just enough to slicken up the walkways and driveway so it needed to be cleared while the sun was out warming this cold Thanksgiving day.

We were not having guests for dinner so whenever we got to eating...we ate.

I spoke with my sister in town while folding the first load of laundry as she made her meal and not long after my brother called.  I thought he was home preparing his meal for the day but came to find out he was on his way to grab a quick bite to eat out as his girl was at work early today and needed to return again later this afternoon so with his schedule of work beginning in the afternoon and working late, there wasn't time to cook. Such is retail. I asked that he join us and he declined as he was already at the parking lot of Chinese. 
A few minutes after we hung up the phone rang back again and he asked if the offer was still good, they would love to join us.  The timing was perfect; we were just taking food from the oven and stove top and it wouldn't have worked out better if we planned it out this way.
I was truly shocked that we were having company....we haven't had big family holiday meals together for some time now... mostly since loosing Angel.  But that doesn't stop us from making enough food to feed more than just us.  My mom was the same way... no matter how little we had, she found a way to have this table full of all kinds of foods and should anyone not have a place to be... they were welcome at her table. It was something I learned from her, and something I taught Angeline.  And there were a few Thanksgivings she brought someone home from school who had no where to be...and we had sleep overs.
My husband and I were talking about my mom this morning while I was sipping my tea having breakfast.  I guess with it being Thanksgiving and the Macy's parade was on currently on tv, those memories of childhood past were triggered with the scent of food and feelings of missing her that she came up.  By the time she was 26 she had already had 4 children....and at the age of 30, she was divorced and alone with them.  While I didn't always agree with her ways of parenting at the time... maturity helped me understand now how difficult it must have been for her. 
The food was delicious today and the company warmed my heart....more than I can put into words.  I was still talking about it with my brother now at 11pm as he drove home from work....(before returning again for 6am), 
Almost as if the cosmos knew my heart pieces were hurting, they found a way to soothe me...and for that I will be eternally grateful.
After taking food to my father in law and checking on him, we both called other family and just relaxed the rest of the day watching football and checking out the sales online. 
My email was filling up fast with all of these companies sending me 8pm sale updates for instore and online shopping.  And right here in my santa flannel pajamas is right where I want to be....Shopping. 
Baby it's cold outside and I am in no mood to brave that nor the crazy drivers/shoppers.  No thank you.... You can have that 32" TV at Walmart for $98.   I am here sipping tea again with my feet propped up shopping on Ulta getting a bunch of things for me....and some things including the shipping was for free!
Victorias Secret with it's free totes....and JCPennys...Macy's and so many more.....all here for me at the touch of my mouse should I wish to buy, buy, buy.

This time next month the holidays will be over and the returns and Clearance sales will have begun.  How fast time flies....(glancing at the clock)
Speaking of time....I best get back to checking out a few more sites before heading to bed...
Thanksgiving is now done...Black Friday has begun.....