
Santa Claus is town!

November 9th, 2013

Santa arrived at malls everywhere today and with that came a flurry of activity.  Pun intended.  He arrived by helicopter {no snow = no reindeer}  at the mall I was shopping at but I missed the landing as I was still in town taking care of some chores before I shopped. I could hear the kids screaming as soon as I got through the glass doors and all you had to do was follow the noise to see where he was. And there he sat on his huge green
Santa sized chair welcoming the long lines of children with a Ho Ho Ho and a lollipop.  I will be sitting on his lap in a week or so for my yearly picture.
The mall is normally much quieter but today it was alive with activity so I thought I better get into the B&BW store first to see if there were any of the mason jar candles that were todays deal of the day left for me to buy.  I only wanted a few  and as I expected they were flying off of the shelves and into worn blue mesh bags as fast as the women could add them.  I was correct.
I reached and grabbed the last mint chocolate and when I asked for more I was told they are sold out.  I did hear that the back was overstocked with three wicks which made me smile.  Supply and demand....and a great sale coming...I hope.
I saw the new pocketbac holder (hard plastic snowman in a snow globe) and grabbed one of those and a few of the metal baskets with the stripped lining.  I still have tons of those free item coupons to use and I thought the baskets would be great to get.  I added more hand soaps and got the pocketbac holder for free. 
The manager pointed out a cute gift idea...she took the new hard plastic snowglobe pb holder- added a vbn antibac to it--  and added it to a bagged large bottle of hand antibac in VBN that matched the colors perfect. 
I thought it cute even though the PB holder is priced at 7.50, and you can even use a bottle of soap as well.

After dragging the very heavy bag to the car, I went back to the mall and watched the little ones play the activities they had for them, and sip their colored ices.  There was a table where they could get paint tattoos and I laughed at the questions the kids were asking the tattoo "artists".  I love the purity of heart children have.  Christmas music filled the mall, drowned out only by the sounds of balloon animals popping followed by the anticipated cries of the disappointed and the littlest of Santa fans who weren't quite fans yet.  I took it all in...and when it became too much for my heart, I wandered into the Hallmark store.
After a filling lunch at an Italian place and a quick trip to Kmart we stopped back into B&BW.  I confirmed how many workers (27) for my gifts and was shown again, the new luminary house.  It can't yet be sold I was it is part of the Holiday III floor set coming... known as Holiday Traditions.  I am guessing that is when the Holiday Traditions Bubble baths will be released as well as the room sprays I have yet to get.
Later, I sat sipping McDonalds coffee here at my desk making Christmas card and gift lists rather than doing my leaf raking I planned for this afternoon...not feeling guilty one bit. I did put together a centerpiece for the dining room from the flowers I got at Michaels yesterday.  Note: always check the Michaels app on your phone for better coupons than are in the sales ads.  I saved 9.00 off my entire order with it!
I still need to finish decorating my tree----> and that is such a big job to carry the boxes down myself...unwrap everything....then carry them back up two flights I keep putting that part off.
But on last check there are no elves hiding waiting to decorate it so I better focus and finish it.