Saturday, November 16, 2013

VIP Picture....change-O...Now you see it, Now you don't.

November 16, 2013

I noticed something yesterday when I posted my pictures and blogs (about 20 of them) that I am not sure anyone else who visits the Fan FB pages noticed.  The VIP bag shown earlier has a different item in it than the actual one we are now going to receive. 

And it happens; if you remember the fiasco over the mini candle in plastic cups.  People don't know how to burn a candle and started posting pictures of melted cups and B&BW pulled every mini candle for the holiday season...came up with glass jars with less wax and a higher price. 
Ya, that fixed that problem.  Anyway...that year the VIP bag was to have in it a merry mistletoe mini candle in it and it was pictured on all of the holiday books they gave out. They had to have them removed in store....

Here is my picture below with the seven items pictured....and as soon as I saw it I knew it was different than the picture BBW Sista had posted last week from her insider.
Here is B&BW Sistas Pic..... you see that picture of something falling out of the bag above the AT item?   In sistas pic it is....or I thought it was Cranberry Twinkle Shower gel.  Here, check it out...
I thought this Cranberry Twinkle item label matched, and since it didn't launch yet...I thought it was that.  Which it probably was.
 Now look at my photo again...------>.they changed that Cranberry Twinkle out for a Hand Soap in Fresh Sparkling Snow.