Sunday, November 3, 2013

Time to put the HO ~ Ho ~ Ho into my Holiday

November 3, 2013
I spent the better part of the morning gathering up the Halloween décor I had placed throughout the house and getting it all wrapped up for storage in the attic.  That extra hour of sleep I had from turning the clocks back was much needed.  I am usually out and about enjoying Sundays but today I felt would be best served cooking beef stew and working around my home.
The fallen branches from the willow tree are cluttering up my yard a bit from the rain storm we had so that will need tending this week as I begin my decorating outside for the holidays.  Don't get me wrong, I am not one of those people whose idea of decorating is to drape a string of lights on everything that's nailed down.... hardly.  Maybe if my husband was more into it.  I am satisfied enjoying everyone else's decorations with drives on snowy evenings and simply lighting up some garlands and a wreath on my own home.
Now inside...that's a different story. Stop by for a visit and you may leave with tinsel on your clothes.  And perhaps even kissed under the mistletoe.
So that is what this category is going to be about.  Keeping track of what I am doing décor wise this year as well as all of those special touches I like to do gifting wise. It's a big job...but I am up for it.
Time to put the Ho Ho Ho into my Holiday~!