Thursday, May 26, 2022

Bath & Body Works | Customer Service Changes

My April 28th posting regarding the upcoming Bath and Body Works customer service changes did happen this Monday, May 23rd....and the news is devastating to all involved.  Hundreds of workers who thought they still had a job on Monday, found out otherwise when they tried to log in for work.  

I don't know how these huge changes will affect us as customers when we need help...and honestly, that is the last thing I am thinking of at this time.  I understand on a personal level some of what they may feel as it has happened to me and my husband a few times in our working lives.  And the struggle with it is real.  Financially and emotionally.

Anytime people higher up start making decisions to better something, you may suspect some changes will come and you are optimistic for the new direction they promise you will be a part of...only to find...nothing.  No job, no health coverage, and time spent devoted to the company to make it function at its best...discarded.  

There isn't a good time to lose employment, and especially not now when the cost of basic living is so much higher.  And I am not here to tell you all of those things that people say to make the loss of your job better.  I will say that I am truly sorry that you are going through this, and you have my prayers and thoughts for strength to get through today.  Until tomorrow comes.  And more of mine, and others loving prayers lift you up a little bit more.  Hugs.