Monday, November 23, 2020

Bath & Body Works | 65+ NEW Products Dropped For Us To Mix And Match For These 5 Days Of Black Friday Shopping!!

It's Okay, Bath and Body Works...we've all been there.  Sharing a bit of information early and people complain...

I am not complaining...I am just sharing an observation.

While you say you have just dropped 65+ items for us to mix and match today and every day of the 5 days of  Black Friday Celebration, the thing is, NOT ALL STORES or online actually did.  

Let me say, that is an incredible photo...and my list is much longer now since I saw it.  Here I thought I was close to being done and wammo... more new!

The thing is, my store didn't have the Coconut Mint Drop anything out...No Roaring Twenties roaring anywhere...True Blue Spa stuff...nada.  None of the This Just In candles were out.  The other candles shown are for CANDLE DAY...and some for the days after too. oopsie.

So yes, this is a beautiful sight and I cannot wait.  But I guess I will need to wait a bit longer.  And I will wait a few more days too for the Santa Approved Box of 9 great items Purchase With Purchase that won't be out here until Wednesday I was told.

My store looked incredible today and I am looking forward to Wednesday now to get the things on my list and that Santa Approved Box!  Hopefully by then some of those 65+ items will be out too.