Sunday, April 14, 2013

Floor set tonight 4.14.13

Against a backdrop of pale blue and hints of white, the burgundy colored tree buds are no longer able to contain themselves within the confines of their branches. The long, overdue wait of Springs return is no more.

The sun in all of her glory has summoned them, and they are only too happy to oblige.

The sun felt great coming through the windows of the car during the ride to the mall out of town this morning.  Like an old friend coming to visit.....I,  too, was happy to let her in.

 I hadn't needed anything in particular since shopping yesterday; I did stock up on the Victorias Secrets buy two get one free sale beauty products yesterday on my favorite springtime must have lemon coconut body creams....using my secret discount card.  This stuff is awesome on, especially after a shower when your body is warm and it melts into your skin softening it.  The lemon scent is not overpowering and one of the better ones I have smelled in some time. I love the sweetness of it.

I stopped in the Bath & Body Works to see what new and exciting things they had to offer as this one is a A level store and they sometimes get different items.  I was able to pick up the wristlet with pink chiffon  travel items in it....and truth be told, I really only wanted the wristlet.  It is really cute and a perfect item for spring and summers tote bag day trips out.  A bit pricey at $18.00.

The manager of the store told me that this store is doing their huge floorset TONIGHT... and she went in the back at my request to check to see what new things were available.  Her backroom is jammed with products and the floorset promises to be awesome.  I did get a few things and I look forward to my Journey to Italy.
We have heard that the floorset for Bella Italy was to be April 22nd and a lot of stores have been told to push it up.  My local store is doing ours for this Thursday the 18th.  The best advice is to call your store tomorrow and see when they are bringing out the Italian things.
Also note:  ask about the "Lake"  water  ..  summertime.....inspired .... line of candles as they too are out in stores and online since yesterday. ( I posted all of the item numbers if you can't find them by name)  It surprised me to see the lakeside candles online yesterday since I thought this was a summer-time line of candles to be released say May with Malibu Heat (s) re-release and Pure Paradise (s) debut.  Apparently schedules are made to be broken.  ;)

Also note:  Check with your store to see if they are going to do the event next month.  Not all of them are I was told and one that I shop at weekly isn't and another out of town is.