Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spring Scent-Sations 4.16.13

I think there is a Buy 3 get 3 free sale looming just around the corner.  Maybe tomorrow....Maybe this weekend.  I am not sure when exactly.....If you are looking for some new Bella Italy scents and want to stock up, keep watching your emails as the ad is coming.

I, need to stop watching the ads. Goodness.  I wanted to do an inventory on the body care collection I have to get a better idea of what products I have and in what scents after yesterdays shopping trip.

So I took out my spreadsheet and off to the closets and cabinets I went.

I am sitting here tonight looking at the scribbles on the green lined paper that is my scent worth and it is surprising to me. 

When I wander the stores I try to think what I use a lot of and may have diminished that I want to grab when I see it on sale.  And it seems the more I think that, the more I keep grabbing the same things I have a lot of only because I can't remember everything.

I use my mood to determine my fragrance choices for the day and night as I am sure we all do. Sometimes the scents bother me (allergies) so I will skip the heavier choices....and sometimes at night I feel the need of a comforting aroma... like my gingerbread lotions.   (by the way bbw, a girl could always use more gingy so how about some this holiday please)

See, a boatload of stuff and I am thinking about Christmas time lotions.   *shakes my head at myself

And with a new scent coming out just about every month I am getting quite a collection.

When I have a moment I am going to transfer everything I have noted and  make a list that I can carry with me, either electronically or hard copy... to hopefully check before I throw another lotion into the blue mesh bag during a scent-sational sale.  But I am here wondering....if there's an app.... for that?

Time to make a suggestion.....