Thursday, September 12, 2013

APP-ing my fingers to the bone

September 12, 2013

I mentioned a few days ago about the Bath and Body Works phone APP that was currently in effect was going to end October 1st and that if you had any receipts that you didn't take the time to enter, now was a good time to get them done.

I was entering mine faithfully every time I got a receipt and then when the prizes on the APP disappeared I stopped doing it thinking the program was over.  So months and months of receipts sat organized in my little photo box. 

Since it was announced I have been going through all of those slips one at a time making sure I didn't miss any dates and entering each one manually because the scanner never works for me. Teeny numbers on a keypad and big fingers makes for some interesting entering.

Here is where I am at so far...

So while sitting here watching big brother 15 now, I am getting close to getting them all entered and found a bunch that were stapled together that I missed in earlier months, two in the bottom of my purse and one in a large store bag. Hopefully I will get something fun for all of this entering and I want to offer B&BW a huge thanks for all of the give-aways they do for their customers.  I truly appreciate their generosity.