Friday, September 6, 2013

Little Pumpkin Coupon question

September 6, 2013

So before my head hits the pillow tonight I just had to write this out. 

What was the reasoning really behind putting that little pumpkin coupon into a few pumpkin carving party items, that allows you to get up to 5 candles for $11.00 each from the 26th of August until September twenty something?  A marketing ploy to encourage you to buy those items to have this exclusive coupon that you need to have to get that price I was told...the candles would not be on sale then?

Um.....well, they were on sale last week....and I am told they will be again next week.  Those who are ordering test scents through customer service are still getting the 2/$22 after the Labor Day sales again do you need this "special coupon"?