Sunday, September 22, 2013

Life...inside the pumpkin patch

September 22, 2013

The first day of Autumn. 

The sky is the bluest of blues with white puffy clouds trying to darken the suns warmth from reaching me. The temperature a mere 62 degrees but the sun pierced the cloud cover and felt warm on my face as the breezes that blew my curls felt wonderful. It was one of those days where you wanted to be lazy and stay around the house watching football all afternoon...but that could be done....after enjoying the outdoors.

I decided I wanted  Chinese today for lunch and afterwards before heading home for an afternoon of football and relaxing, we decided to check on the progress of the pumpkin patch. 

Usually the first few weeks of September this farm hosts an antique farm equipment show and it takes a few weeks to get the pumpkin patch up and ready after that.

They did have the beginnings of it going, so I walked around checking out all of the items they had ready for canning season....the livestock, and of course the pumpkins.  I will return in a few weeks when it really has the field a sea of orange and the hay rides start.  I have known this family for more than 30 years and I have worked for them that long ago.  These people are the hardest workers I know.  And while I don't drive a car... I have driven a tractor. :)

Here is a quick peek at ...