Friday, September 13, 2013

Bath and Body Works Apple and Strawberry Lip Gloss - plus new signature packaging

September 13, 2013

So when you can't seem to find what your looking for at one store....go to another right? 

Years ago I never realized that Bath and Body Works had so many different types of stores....and don't forget, they have been around a long time and I have been there right along with them.  But the more I learned about the company the more I realized when you see certain things in one store and not in another it means that select stores get different items according to their sales levels.

A few stores in my area are older and they do pretty good sales wise but they are a bit limited, and one or two may be a sales level higher and get some other goodies that I don't always get to see close to home.  But in my making a list of stores in my state I found that I have a lot of stores I never knew about not that far away and well worth a peek.

Apple and strawberry lip gloss  $8.00

First time ever in a Body Butter!!!  Pink Chiffon


Some new Body Butter  packaging