Saturday, February 1, 2014

Bath & Body Works | Sweet Shop Early | Spring 2014

February 1, 2014
I stopped in a Bath and Body Works store today to see what was new and found that they had started to set their Sweet Shop a week ago.  All except the front.  That will be done tomorrow. The tables were filled with soaps and sanitizers and the wall had some candles.  The mason jars will be placed out tomorrow along with the holders.
The tall rack had a few of the sweet shop scentportables
 and some new baskets.  One gift set that I had posted about before and that was pretty much it.  I did buy the lilac blossom fresh picked room spray, the cupcake scentportable, the lollypop of hair bands {$6.50} which seemed a bit pricey...added in the black tie candle that was still on display for $8.00 { I was told only the Christmas scents were to be marked down 75% off yet I did see other stores were marking down the celebration who knows.
The pink basket comes in a black and white version and the manager had filled one up with men's products
to help remind women Valentines Day is coming! 
The Midnight for men was on the counter and to be honest in this store I was not sure where the Mad About You was.  I know it will be front and center under the pink and black awnings tomorrow.
I see Mad About You is online with almost the full line of products and even a tote bag. Still to come I think is the bubble bath, shimmer diamond mist, body polish, whipped body cream and a few travel sized things.