Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Kringle Candle Company | Reviewer

April 9, 2014

Last April, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to review some products from the Kringle Candle Company on my blog.  It was the first time I had the chance to try this brand of candles out and review a group of different items that they offered.

Those of us who love candles and home fragrance products are always looking to try something new and my experience with this brand was so wonderful, it kept me coming back for more.

Today, I received an email letting me know that they would like to once again partner with me to review more of their products. They felt I did a wonderful job reviewing, and the feedback from my readers after my reviews last year were great.

It is up to us as consumers to let these companies know what we love...and what we don't.  That is what will make the products better for all of us.

So, many thanks to my readers who took the time to post comments and then went and bought Kringle items using the code provided.  And thank you Kringle to once again let me share your home fragrance products with all of us fragrance fans.

I can't wait!