It's The Great Pumpkin preview Week.......

July 29, 2013
Him- Why are you so upset....look, there are pumpkins all around us.
 Her- You told me that today there was suppose to be a Pumpkin preview event....And there wasn't.  I have been waiting for It for weeks and weeks and I cant believe you told me there would be and your here laying around a stupid pumpkin patch with that silly grin.

Her-  Why can't you understand, all I wanted was my Pumpkin candles and lotions

Her- Listen mister you better find out what happened to my preview.  I want my Pumpkins

Her-  And I want them now.

Him-  Okay, okay listen.  I just saw on Facebook the Great Pumpkin Preview is happening tomorrow so we can go get your Pumpkins.  Good Grief.  Women.
Thank you B&BW.......