January 14, 2014
Next month at this time those of us who love Valentine's Day and make a point of sharing the Love will have already done so. Can you believe it...a month today is St. Valentines Day.
Be it via love notes and roses, dinner out and chocolates...or a simple heart cut from red and pink papers...those expressions of love will mean so much to those we share them with.
Today on Facebook I saw another adorable cookie which would also make a great Valentine's treat from a favorite page of mine... MAKE me CAKE me.
I know I mention this page a lot and that is for good reason. Her work and ideas are incredible and I love sharing this talented cookie artist with everyone who views my page.
Please take a moment and check out her latest Valentine's Day Cupid Girl Cookie made from a simple snowman cookie cutter at the two links shown about. You won't be disappointed.
And let's get started on those ideas for sharing the Love....
Valentine's Day is on the way------->