Friday, June 21, 2013

New Craft Project ~ Doughnut Soap

June 21, 2013

I have a lot to get done today but I am a bit distracted by a new "project" I bought last night so I thought I should just do that first and then finish up the rest. And yes, I am a eat dessert first kinda gal.

Last night my brother, his girlfriend and I went to Michaels to look around to see what else new was put out.  I mentioned that I saw the fall things starting to filter into the store so I was hopeful that Halloween things would be out too....more than just the ribbons.

I was wheeling around one of those handled baskets not finding anything to put into it when I found the two of them held up in this one aisle for some time.  Karle was looking to try a new project herself and was checking out all of the items needed for it when I came by for a look.  This new project was also new to me and with a bunch of different kits available for you to try it.....we both decided on different kits.

I have done a lot of different craft things in my life but I can honestly say I never did soap making.  Candle making...yep.  From early on as a child making them with crayons and milk cartons to the all out "expensive" waxes and oils filling glass containers...yes, been there done much easier to buy a candle. 

And while it is easy to go to a store and buy a bar of soap....even decorative was something I thought I had to try.

The display had a ton of supplies you can buy to make various soap products and the long loaf mold reminded me immediately of years gone by with Bath and Body Works and their soap blocks.  You could go into the store and ask the SA to hunk you off a chunk of soap and it was wrapped up in a wax paper and weighed.  I think I miss that the most at that store.

So now back from memory lane....I chose a doughnut soap kit to make.  I LOVED the look of these just from the picture on the box.  What a cute gift for I can personalize by giving them in a Martha Stewart cookie or doughnut box...or glassine bags (I bought). 

The kit comes with everything needed to make 9 doughnuts and the retail shelf price was $19.99.  At the register I asked if there was a coupon out....( I tossed mine away accidently) and the clerk did have a 40% off handy so I saved $8.00 off.  The online site for this week has a $5.00 off 25.00 coupon with graduating amounts off with larger purchases....and I was going to use that one because I added some cute $1.00 note cards and the glassine bags....but that 40% off was better.  Always ask if they have a coupon at the register because it may be better than what is emailed to you.

Here is the kit box and what comes with it.

The instructions are pretty take 14 pieces of soap, and microwave it in a microwave safe mixing bowl for 30 seconds and then add 10 seconds after stirring to melt it completely.  You are not to get this steaming hot but merely warm.

Then you are directed to drop 25 drops of the brown coloring and a 1/4 bottle of the doughnut scent into the mix and pour it into the plastic mold.

It will need to set for 45 minutes and then you do it again for the next four....and one more time for one doughnut.  You are directed to save 8 blocks of soap to make the frosting at the end and you will dip these just like they do regular doughnuts.....and add the sprinkles.

Since it is time consuming I will post this now....and add my up dated pictures as the process continues.  I did try to wash my hands with the bits of soap crumbs to try it out and it does bubble up nice.  After washing the measuring cup waiting for the next batch to be made I noticed my hands are a bit dry feeling.  I saw on the shelf at the store a bottle of moisturizing oils that you can add so I am guessing that the soaps natural tendency is to be drying.
While I am happy that the soap is something you can wash  your hands with....I just think the doughnuts are adorable for display.
And if they come out to look anything like the box....I would be sure to keep them away from children who may mistake them for the real thing.  The soap sprinkles included really do look real.


These came out pretty cute for a first try.  Getting them out of the form was tricky.  They must be set up enough to pop the vacuum yet not too set as they will stick.  Patience is key when doing this.  No rushing no matter how much you want to see the end product. 

These do smell like doughnuts and look really cute plated.

It was a great project to pass a summertime day with...and would make a cute gift....both the kit as well as the finished product.

Great. Now I am hungry for sugar.