Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Victoria's Secrets Semi Annual Sale

June 11, 2013

What started online a few weeks ago has now filtered into your local Victoria's Secrets.....that being their Semi Annual Sale.

Table after table and box after box underneath each table are all of those secrets...Victoria wants to reveal.

I did get notification earlier in the month that the sale was happening and placed my obligatory order.  Hey, they are nice enough to send me free panty coupons every month so the least I can do is pick out a bunch of indecent things.... ha ha.... and pretty decent prices to add to my huge collection. 

When your a kid, panties are utilitarian ....when your an adult.... they are an accessory.

I am accessorized by the hundreds. 

So since it is summertime I chose the palm leaf with animal prints and their signature pink stripe with animal sets to add to  my collection. 

What will you let Vickie accessorize you with?

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