Monday, June 17, 2013

Social Faces and finding the love.....

The tree is still up now ten days past Christmas, its lights warming up the evening rooms, while bags and bags of clearance goodies from yesterdays shopping still sit waiting to be put away.  The best shopping times are usually post-Christmas holiday and this year is proving no different. Between shopping in BBW and other stores I am really accumulating a lot of great gifts for family and friends for special and non special occasions throughout the year.  Granted, BBW hasn't shown us too much rarity as far as items go....but we are able to grab up a few things we may not want to buy online.

I have been looking for my Bigelow peppermint bar soap and every store that I have been to has been sold out until today.  I saw it finally came back online and short of ordering it, I called my favorite store and sure enough they got a box of it in today as well.  I also saw the true blue spa mango butter bar soap and lotion is also back online.  We had asked about that this past Sunday in store and were told that it was definitely only seasonal and would not be returning.  I am glad to see its back...not like I don't have plenty of other lotion and soap choices, I do....haha, but we all find those favorite things we like to use as the mood suits us. 

And speaking of moods....what is going on with folks on Facebook lately?  Is MEAN the new black?  I am speechless at some of the things I have read these past few days.  If you dare post a picture of some things you may have found on the SAS a picture of some things you may have....the viciousness truly has been coming out of some folks. 

And I wonder, is this how these people truly are in everyday life or are we lucky enough to be shown their social faces under the guise of they never have to meet you face to face so they can say anything they feel like to something you posted?

Because I know where I come from, if I behaved like that in person....I will be missing a few chicklets at the end of the day.

The fan page hosted as they always do, a haul contest where the rules are pretty a picture of things you bought at THIS haul and the top five will be chosen by BBW.  Then, those of us fans get to "like" the one photo we think the person who bought all of that stuff should deserve the $50.00 gift card.  Pretty simple....and it should be fun to watch, and read.   But it never is.

Ha, ha, first it starts with people posting pictures....

Then jealously rears her ugly face and  folks start saying "they are showing everything they have not what they bought at this sale" accusing them of cheating. Some may...yes, that is pretty obvious when they do.....But I think BBW knows that...right?

Some are making comments calling them hoarder....while others in private groups bash privately and convince a member there to stir the pot more on the fan page.

And when all is said and done, the winner is announced---people are still behaving poorly by either calling them names...rather than saying.....CONGRATULATIONS.

And after all of still have people posting pictures, and asking if they "like" the picture do they win that stuff shown.

If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny. 

What has happened to us as a society?

Listen, I am not claiming to be holier than thou over here.  No sir re bob.  I have my own shortcomings granted, like everyone else....and those are things I work on every single day....  But wow.  When I see things happening  to others as well as myself...  I just wonder why.

Why when I posted a picture of hand sanitizers did some feel the need to bash me?  I knew when I posted it to BBW....asking them when the spring scents were coming out as a joke as I have a few.... hundred....haha...that I would get some fallout. (Hence the lack of my posting any new things there.) And I did. But where was the harm in showing I am a fan...on the fan page?  Thankfully, I was shown more positive than there are a lot of great people out there.
It made me laugh-- no  really it did----- as my mom would remind us.... you can't fix pazzo so there is no need to get mad at them.... just smile and they will go away..... and they do, eventually.....after they get their say in for the record. 

I guess having something someone else doesn't have does push a few buttons.  But was it all of the little bottles that made them resort to name calling or the fact I was HAPPY about having them that did it?

I don't know.

What I do know is we are all in control of our actions and how we let others in.  We can do it with a smile or with hate. When others saw what was being said to me, silly inconsequential things, to a stranger on a social page, they stood up for me.  They may think their own thoughts about what I posted...but they stood up for me regardless.   Finding the love.

I hope we all can, and try to be much nicer to each other. 

There are those still. still....behaving poorly regarding some things me.  And that's on them- I know I am not doing anything to provoke such behaviors regardless of what they are being told.  Just know,  if you feel the need to send me hate mail, hate texts or even messages by carrier pigeons....haha.....  I'll block you and report you.  Easy.  If you set up a fake face book page and tried to friend me, you were declined as my fb is and has always been only for friends I know personally...with one exception whom I deleted (only to not involve her in the drama some tried to make).   If you called my phone and left a message, I reported your number to my carrier and my local police.  (did I mention I have law enforcement in my family) 

And when you call me silly things on a social fan page, I laugh....
because it is the best medicine...
much love!