While visiting an A level Bath and Body Works store today I found here and there scattered throughout the shelves and bins, new items for the upcoming Provence Line. And that is why I post as much information with pictures that I can on my blog, so any one who reads me can also walk into a store and know what to look for that is new.
I did ask for a few other things....and was told from a sales associate who assumed I was green to the goings on of BBW...."oh no, everything we have is out on the floor."
Ha,ha....and I did smile...and thank her. I mean I can see with the storage room door open the in and out wall full....so if you can't sell it to me today....that's fine...just know I am not green.
So I grabbed a few of the new things that I wanted and loaded up my bag and used three surveys and got another Bounceback with the World Gardens on it.
I grabbed two bee wallflowers, two grapes...(the last two in the bin) which I think will work great for Fall, and Italian themed kitchens as well as any kitchen.....and one sunflower, again perfect for Fall.
I grabbed three of the smaller sized luminary candle holders. The larger one is out, but my thinking was three of the smaller sized will be great for the dining table and I used the survey and got one of those for free.
And finally, I grabbed two of the new ceramic lotion/soap bottles. They are so pretty, and feminine looking. Perfect for the sink or bathroom and even a bedroom night table with your favorite lotion in it.
I also updated the Provence (fantastic pictures blog) to now have the pocketbac holders pictures in it as well as the deco lavender and vanilla wallflower bulb I saw today.

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