Typical sale things with a few things added here and there. I will add blogs with updates of dates.
Online only - Buy 1 get 1 free Holiday signature tradition items ~ body care and hand soap
Buy 3 get 2 free Holiday signature traditions items
Buy 3 get 2 free signature items
3 for $10.00 mini body care items
$5.00 room sprays and home fragrance oils
$5.00 4 oz candles (currently)
3 for $20.00 double pack wallflower refills
2 for $5.00 mini 1.3oz candles
6 for $24.00 wallflowers
4/$15 or 6/$20 hand soaps
Lip products buy 2 get 1 free
Candles: Holiday Traditions, Spirits of the season, Snow day collection, white barn collection
2 for $5.00 large hand sanitizers
5 for $5.00 pocketbacs
Buy 2 get 1 true blue spa and C.O. Bigelow
$6.00 aromatherapy
$6.00 online exclusives